3 Little Hot Dogs (traditional – my version)
Self-regulation, math
Three little hot dogs, frying in a pan.
The grease got hot hot hot hot hot, hot hot hot hot hot, hot hot hot hot hot, (rub rug)
And one went BAM! (clap overhead)
Continue with 2, 1, and for “no more hot dogs” end with
And the pan went BAM!
Rub the rug as you do this, rubbing more and more vigorously as you say “hot hot hot hot hot hot hot” then pause, then repeat, then pause and repeat, and end the verse with a big clap overhead.
I have also seen occupational therapists do this (and I’ve tried it, too) as a child is lying belly-down on the floor, rubbing their back. They may tap and rub the back, pretending to put ketchup, relish, etc. on the child, and then press down all over when putting the hot dog in the bun. Children often love being made into “sandwiches” in the same way, to give them sensory feedback. If you have a nap mat, it can be a good thing to put on top of them and then press down on.
The “hot dog” motion of rubbing the rug becomes part of the class movement “vocabulary” and can be referred to in other songs, such as Open Shut Them (see video on this webpage)