This chant was originally a straight ahead call and response. I changed the call and response format to include motions and sound effects. Start with:
I say: The class says: and does:
I couldn’t sleep last night I couldn’t sleep last night Tap knees
With the thunder & the lightning Boom! Crash! Flick out fingers
And the dog on the bed Ruff Ruff Ruff! Hands front as paws
And the chicken in the kitchen Baawk Baawk Baawk! Flap elbows
At the Great Brook Farm At the Great Brook Farm Tap knees
I couldn’t sleep last night I couldn’t sleep last night
With my daddy snoring Snooooore Rest head on hands
And the thunder & the lightning Boom! Crash! (same motions…)
And the dog on the bed Ruff Ruff Ruff!
And the chicken in the kitchen Baawk Baawk Baawk!
At the Great Brook Farm At the Great Brook Farm
I couldn’t sleep last night I couldn’t sleep last night
With the baby crying Waaah! Waaah! Rub eyes
And the daddy/mommy snoring Snooooore (same motions…)
And the thunder & the lightning Boom! Crash!
And the dog on the bed Ruff Ruff Ruff!
And the chicken in the kitchen Baawk Baawk Baawk!
At the Great Brook Farm At the Great Brook Farm
I couldn’t sleep last night I couldn’t sleep last night
With the cow mooing Mooo! Fingers as horns on head
And the baby crying Waaah! Waaah! (same motions…)
And the daddy/mommy snoring Snooooore
And the thunder & the lightning Boom! Crash!
And the dog on the bed Ruff Ruff Ruff!
And the chicken in the kitchen Baawk Baawk Baawk!
At the Great Brook Farm At the Great Brook Farm
I couldn’t sleep last night
With the geese honking Honk! Honk! Hands as beak
And the cow mooing Mooo! (same motions…)
And the baby crying Waaah! Waaah!
And the daddy/mommy snoring Snooooore
And the thunder & the lightning Boom! Crash!
And the dog on the bed Ruff Ruff Ruff!
And the chicken in the kitchen Baawk Baawk Baawk!
At the Great Brook Farm At the Great Brook Farm