Studio Red: daily do & draw 3/30

Dear Studio Red,

Today is Monday!  On Mondays we offer a Daily Invitation to the whole school.  Today the invitation and the do and draw below are all about tools to use when we are feeling uneasy or simply do not know what to do.  What do you do when you are feeling upset or unsure?  In Studio Red, children often visited the library to play alone, look at books, or simply snuggle in the pillows.  Sometimes we found a friend to play or sat next to a classmate to copy their work.  We have seen so many of you come up with your own ideas about how to help you feel better and begin to play.  Today our do and draw focuses on one of our favorite tools: books!

Love, Lauri and Emily

daily do & draw


Which book will you choose?

Looking at a book, reading a story, or listening to a story aloud can be a great way to help your body feel different.  Books can be great tools for relaxing.  There are so many different kinds of books!   They can make us feel all sorts of different ways.  Some are funny, some are sad.  All books invite us to travel somewhere new.  We may be stuck at home, but today we invite you to choose a book to take you somewhere else in your mind.  Visit our new page filled with stories read by teachers at Lincoln Nursery School.  Choose one to begin and then visit our drawing invitation before you press play on the video.  You can find the page here.


Where will you go to draw?

As you listen to the story, we invite you to draw!  We have done this before in Studio Red with everyone on our big rug together.  Adding drawing to your listening can help relax your mind and body.  You will want to find a place where you feel comfortable.  You will also need your sketchbook and at least one tool to make marks.  Then it is time to let loose!  That means you are drawing whatever you’d like.  You are messing about.  Often, a story will give you ideas.  Sometimes, you may just let your pen make a line that twists and turns.  Your drawing may not represent anything in the end.  This is drawing to help us change how we feel.