May There Always Be Sunshine– we also did “may there always be babies” when Charlie N asked about it (the sign is cradling your arms like you’re holding a baby)
We did ZIPs and BAMs (your child can show you how to do these), making patterns like ZIP ZIP BAM BAM BAM, and then we went around the circle saying each child’s name: ZIP ZIP Jackson (and you do a BAM with your hands while saying Jackson). It’s kind of hard to explain!
Boom Chicka Boom– today we changed the first letter (e.g., start with a Z) each time we did a new verse so that we were chanting “I say ZOOM ZICKA ZOOM,” and so forth. We also did this with D and R.
Yoga Pretzel Cards– we did poses from these “Yoga Pretzel Cards” that Barefoot Books sells (mountain, warrior 1 & 2, river, and we also did the sculpture Eve, but this time I had them move, transferring the apple/ball/pomegranite from one hand into the other and changing their legs, putting the apple on their head, take it off and take a bite. After taking a bite, we planted a seed from the apple, and sangInch By Inch.
Aikendrum– Jackson taught us some verses that he learned in his old school: a carrot nose, bacon legs and pretzel fingers.