For some time, we have been witness to some very big feelings in Studio Yellow, not always to the best outcome. In an effort to aid children with identifying these feelings, we shared two stories with the group. Our hope is to help validate these often uncomfortable feelings, while helping children find ways to express them appropriately. In turn, children opened up and shared similar feelings of their own.
I was feeling GREY because sometimes I think there are monsters in my closet. – Ellie
Sometimes I feel sad when I read a sad story like The Giving Tree. That’s a sad story. And I feel RED because sometimes Tessa take toys out of my hand. – Ben
Ben is feeling two things, sad and mad – I think he sounds all mixed up. – Ellie
Sometimes I feel RED because my fence was knocked down. – Jamie
I was feeling BLUE because my mommy wasn’t there. – Suki
I was feeling BLUE because my mom and dad went on a trip. – Josie
Sometimes I get so sad because Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Sarah are not there. Sometimes I feel RED in a shop because I was thinking about bad guys. – Nina
How does GREEN make you feel?
Calm. – Makenna
Relaxing, snuggly. – Ben
Sleepy. – Wesley
Sometimes when I was GREY, in bed I heard a zombie scritching at my door. – Chris
I felt someone punching at my neck. Someone was doing it to me last night. It was a monster. – Wesley
Happy. – Makenna
Loveable. – Suki
Loving. – Makenna
One time when Alex was over, that’s Daddy’s cousin, I was feeling BLUE because Mommy wouldn’t let me snuggle because it was too early. – Jamie
Last time I was feeling RAINBOWish – that means happy. – William
How ’bout silver? I feel SILVER when I’m excited because I’m going to Vermont. – Ben
I feel SILVER because I’m going to Bahamas! – Josie
Yesterday night I was feeling GREEN because I was sleeping. – Suki