Studio Yellow, Week 20

From our deCordova colleagues we heard that there had been changes within the sculpture park.  Our favorite sculpture Steven Siegel’s Big, With Rift,  where we played hide and go seek and collected worms, had been deinstalled.  On our nature walk we decided to go and view the area for ourselves and to observe the reaction of the children.  Although there was surprise that the sculpture was no longer there, the empty space led to many discoveries.

Ellie – Where did the newspapers go?  I don’t think it is here any more.
Josie – It’s disappeared!
Wesley – Why did they take it away? 

Makenna – I see trash – glass.
Chris – That’s worm glass.
Ellie – We can still play hide and go seek.
Ben- But the only way to play hide and seek now is to camouflage. You have to go blend into the colors to hide. You can blend into the rocks. 

Suki – I don’t know where they went!  Look I found a piece of newspaper.
William – Glass.
Where do you think the pieces of glass came from?
Makenna – There used to be a table here with wine bottles and they were dropped and broke.

William – From a glass you drink from.

It's a fossil - a dinosaur bone. A Stegasaurus hand.
Nina, I'll show you where the fossils are.
Look what I have found William.

The whole group enjoyed the ooey gooey sensory experience of a huge mud puddle.

Within the studio children further experimented with cutting, beading and games of all sorts. Of particular interest was our ‘even more trickier’ 72 piece monster puzzle as well as introduction to the game BLINK. Ask your children about the many ways in which to make a match in this card game.

-Our swirling, whirling snowstorm exploded into a blizzard!

The ramps and balls in our sensory table provoked Josie to attempt to make a ‘hole in one!’


Chris was concerned with making the ‘whole world right.’

“It’s a controller that pumps up your body.  It does everything for you.  It zaps you.  It’s just pretend.  It just pretends everything.  It hangs pictures and it makes puzzles and helps you smile.  It’s zapping the whole world so the whole world is right.”

Books read this week: