While the rest of the class is outside, Johann and Jamie are in the classroom with Susannah, playing with Tinkertoys. Two round pieces are stuck together by a rod, and the boys work together, each holding an end, trying to pull it apart until…
Jamie Hey, we did it! One round piece is removed, but another is still attached.
Johann Now let’s try the other one… Now let’s pull.
Together We did it!!!!
They bring the pieces to Susannah to show her. Johann notices connected Tinkertoys in her hand.
Johann Can we do this one?
I don’t know, it’s on pretty hard.
They pull and pull, dragging each other to the meeting area in the process, where there are soft pillows to land on, and they laugh.
Jamie See how hard this one is.
Johann I’m pulling off your arm!
They erupt into giggles.
Johann It’s hard, Jamie, very hard.
They roam around the room, both holding the Tinkertoy, falling down over each other and laughing almost uncontrollably.
Jamie We’re okay!
Johann We’re okay!
Jamie We can’t get this one apart. (then, it pops apart!)
Johann tosses aside the free piece and holds out the other pieces that are still together.
Johann Now let’s…
With an end in each hand, they careen over to the meeting area and again collapse on the pillows, laughing as they try to pull it apart.
Jamie This one is too hard for us.
Johann finds more among the pillows: How about this one? Let’s connect them.
Jamie Let’s connect them.
Johann Yeah. And then trample them apart.
They start throwing Tinkertoys, and Susannah redirects them to throw something soft, ending up at the birds, where they end up having a (cheerful) tug of war with a bird, then hug them.
Johann My birdie is a fast birdie.
They move to the drawing table, drawing and taping pieces together, then end up moving to add more tape to the door.