Several weeks back we introduced fiber materials similar to those used by artist Sheila Pepe. We presented them in various ways, some entirely open ended and some with a more intentional approach. We turned our back room into a workspace for the children, giving them free reign to use the materials in this space as they wished.
In the beginning children were deliberate and focussed in their workings, twisting, tying, connecting and wrapping in order to accomplish a desired look. Eventually we noticed a more frenzied play in which children randomly tossed about materials, wrapped each other up or simply ran, shouting in the midst of materials haphazardly strewn about the room.

It appears our initial approach would have to be altered. After observing the children at play, we realized that perhaps the children would benefit from more direction. We thought it would be helpful if we provided them with suggestions of how they could use these items, as well as the proper techniques of braiding, sewing, knitting, knotting and more.
Children immediately became more engaged and invested in their work. We are currently working with these new strategies and will see where they lead us. Proud of their accomplishments, we are holding on to their finished pieces with the hope that we can incorporate them into a collaborate installation within the studio.
For inspiration and as a means of displaying these finished pieces we introduced the children to a wire cage. As a provocation we attached some of their completed braids and loops.
Thomas – Um Sue, that looks like a rocket ship.
Eva – I see pink string.
Sam – I see yellow string.
Ursula – And a red string.
Alex – It has a little bit of blue too and yellow.
Ursula – Who used these things? Those are our things.
Alex – Yeah, who made that?
Will – It’s for tomatoes