Playground Connections

Caroline wants to jump, but there is a log in the way. She asks Kaya to move it for her.
Now Caroline is ready to jump, but...
. . . jumping from the tire feels safer.
Ta da!
Caroline and Kaya play together in the car for quite a while after this.

Amelia makes a sand castle, and Sam notices when Amelia’s bucket turns into a drum, and drums on his bucket as well. 

Amelia brings her bucket over to the sandbox to make more sandcastles, and Cal elects to help out. Ruthie joins in, and Cal helps make hers as well (which turns out to be a pie). Thomas advises Amelia to pat the top of the bucket before lifting it up.

Cal calls to Ruthie, “Ruthie, look!” as he jumps again and again off of the rock.

Ruthie helps Caroline get her pizza into the wagon.

There were many many more stories – such as Cal’s electric car that turned on and off by pushing buttons and went on nature walks to find treasure with things inside of them, a story that Kaya joined in on! The point is that the children are connecting with each other more and more, through shared stories, problem-solving, and creative work. It’s lovely to see.