Dec. 6, 2019
Draw the Circle Wide Look Out the Window On Top of Spaghetti Quiet Poem (sign language) Open Shut Them If I Knew You Were Coming We did a preliteracy music reading exercise where I drew ooo’s
Draw the Circle Wide Look Out the Window On Top of Spaghetti Quiet Poem (sign language) Open Shut Them If I Knew You Were Coming We did a preliteracy music reading exercise where I drew ooo’s
On Top of Spaghetti Look Out the Window We paired up and I sang: As I was walking in the sculpture park, as I was walking in the park, I saw two sculptures that were touching
Dear Studio Blue, It was a short week, only two days in Studio Blue, but we certainly fit in many activities and lots of fun! Dirt and Bugs We noticed that several of you are fascinated
Dear Studio Blue, I’m Blue Bird – remember me? I’ve been watching you read a book.It’s called “A Good Day.” I love this book. But then, little yellow bird forgot all about his feather and flew
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we are forever grateful for every little random act of kindness.
10 Little Fingers Old Oak Tree Open Shut Them We All Need More Kindness In This World Hickory Dickory Dock We brought out the big long rope and pulled and rowed and tugged on it while
Playdough is a familiar material for the children and a freshly made batch drew in all the children this week. A favorite story came back into the studio this week – ‘Scaredy Squirrel’ by Melanie Watt.
We’re Gathering Together We All Need More Kindness In This World Wishie Washie Washerwoman Bubble Gum In a Dish Yoga – butterfly, turtle, tulip, a polar bear pose where we imitated a photo of a polar bear
Dear Studio Blue, You were so busy this week! Here are a few of the many things we noticed. Caring for Joe Joe, when you felt sad when dad left, other children tried to help you
As we head into our Thanksgiving Week and families begin to travel to be with extended family, we want to take a moment to be grateful for you! We deeply appreciate your care of our new
Lincoln Nursery School
P.O. Box 6075 | 51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
(781) 259-8866