Before our break, with Valentine’s Day in the mix, we spent some time talking about kindness. We began by reading the Shel Silverstein classic The Giving Tree. After finishing the story, we wondered… WHAT DOES IT
Before our break, with Valentine’s Day in the mix, we spent some time talking about kindness. We began by reading the Shel Silverstein classic The Giving Tree. After finishing the story, we wondered… WHAT DOES IT
Every day we see children exploring what it means to be a friend – what a difficult concept. Does it mean having one friend exclusively? Does it mean that when you play with someone else I
We have noticed the children interested in height on our walks in the sculpture park (see post). We’ve also seen this happening inside the classroom and on the playground – building a volcano out of beanbags,
It’s kind of squishy. – Wes This looks like a number. – Tait Look at this. – Charlotte I think the water goes like this under the ground. – Jesse This whole pile of fish is
“Hi, let’s eat our slime.” “Let’s change our baby’s diapers.” “We are the prettiest slugs in the world.” “We are going to make a movie.” “Want to eat dinner with me?” “Let’s give our babies our
In preparation for our return to the pine tree forest, we gathered to think around our gallery map. Did we include everything we remembered of the space? Did we represent the space in a way that
What does democracy look like in a classroom? How do children and adults have voice in our Studio Red community?How do we name challenges and solve problems?How do we construct the agreements we follow in our
Picture books are invaluable in our preschool environment. Personally, neither of us has outgrown our own love of picture books and continue to amass an extensive collection to this day! Yes, we are both educators and
Cal sits at the table and draws wavy lines in a linear fashion. I’m writing notes….Love Mama! This is a note for my Mama. It takes much concentration to fill the whole card with notes! Cal folds
Lincoln Nursery School
P.O. Box 6075 | 51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
(781) 259-8866